Campaign Manager - Segments

Create a Segment

On the Segment View screen, click the New Segment button to open the Segment Builder screen:

Set Resolution Level

Select the Resolution Level i.e. the table of data, that the Segment will be based.

For more information see - Understanding Resolution Levels

For example, do you want to create a Segment of Customers, Orders, Households etc.?

Either drag the required table from the Data Tree to the "Applies to" box or click on the Select Table field to display the Select Resolution Table drop down menu:

Drill down by clicking on the required data source options until you locate the table you wish to use:

The button can be used to navigate back up through the data structure levels if required:

Alternatively use the Search field to find the required table of data.

Once located, click on the required table to select it and click the Select button.

This will add the selected table to the Select Table field.

If you wish to change the selected table, click on the field again and use the same method to select the required option.

After you have selected your database table, the segment is locked to that datasource and you can't use columns from other datasources in the Segment rules, as they are not linked to the selected table. For more information, see 'Resolution Levels'.

Select an operator to specify how the rules are connected:

Include if All

Include defines that the result of the rules or groups at the document level will be included in the final document result. The All defines an AND operator for combining the rules or groups that are at the document level. For example, having two rules in the document of Gender=F AND Age=30 will return in the result all females that are 30 years old. This result will be Included in the final result of the document.

Include if Any

Include defines that the result of the rules or groups at the document level will be included in the final document result. The Any defines an OR operator for combining the rules or groups that are at the document level. For example, having two rules of Gender=F OR Age=30 will return in the result all females along with all 30 year olds, which at this point will contain males. This result will be Included in the final result of the document.


It is not possible exclude an individual Rule from a Segment. If you wish to do this you must create a Group which contains the single Rule you wish to exclude. This containing Group can then be set to Exclude if All/ Exclude if Any to achieve the required result. As there is only one Rule in the Group, either Exclude rule will produce the same result.

Add Rules Or Groups


A single rule is a column and value combination that identifies the people you will either include or exclude from the segment based on the operator used i.e. Equal to, Not equal to. The database columns available for a rule are determined by the top resolution level table.

For more information see - Adding Rules.


A group is a sub-branch of the calculation that can have a different resolution level and a different group operator to the top resolution level table. These are very powerful tool in segment creation. For example, your document could count Customers, but you could use a group to create a list of product orders (with the group resolved to your ORDER table) based on a variety of criteria which would combine those Orders together in a query, prior to resolving to the Customer level. You may wish to see Customers who placed orders in a certain month using a certain payment type. This would require an Order level group to AND those orders together so when embedded within a Customer level segment document, will display Customers who placed an order meeting those criteria. A Group has an extended set of options for how the rules within that group will be applied within the context of the document.

For more information see - Adding Groups.

it is also possible to nest a Group within a Group.

For more information see - Nested Groups.

To add a Rule or Group to the Segment, click the Add icon and select Add Rule or Add Group from the drop-down list:

Record Viewer

If you want to view records that are currently selected in a rule or segment, click the Record Viewer icon.

Record Viewer is only active when the counts have been calculated.

See Record Viewer for more information.

Calculate Segment

Click the Calculate Segment button at the top of the screen to verify that your selected criteria return results that you expect. The button is blue when the segment is valid for calculation.


If the Calculate segment button is gray, the segment cannot be calculated but remember the invalid rule may be in a collapsed nested group.

Save the Segment

When you have finished creating the segment, click the Finish button. The segment is saved in the campaign document. If you want to save a copy of the segment in the Segment Library, click Save Copy and select the folder you want to save the segment in.

You can also add a description of the document. If you want to change the description at any time, click Settings at the top of the Segment Builder screen, enter your new description and click Apply.

If you want to save the document as a Master Segment, click the Master Segment check box at the bottom of the save dialog. If you do not see the Master Segment check box, you do not have permission to create Master Segments.

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